Balmforth & Co
hospital coffee machine

Solutions for the Healthcare Sector

As the demand on the healthcare sector increases and budgets get tighter, we may sometimes forget the positives, of which there are so many, within such a vital industry.

With advances in technology, there are a wide range of exciting innovations to deliver delicious food and drink to patients, improve the health of employees and enhance the whole user experience.

We have lots of exciting ways that we can help you to cater to your employees, patients and visitors. These range from:

  • Managed Vending – machines stocked with top-selling delicious CQUIN compliant products and fitted with the latest in contactless payment technology. Complete and transparent product and sales data to keep you informed on the latest rebate figures, machine health and usage data. All in all, a seamless customer experience, added income for the Trust and a partner, that takes away a lot of the daily stresses, due to a complete connected solution.
  • Cafes and Self Fill Options – there is a lot of companies offering the same thing when it comes to your hospital cafes and restaurants, the same machines, similar ingredients and service. With the added benefit of our technology options, we can take away a lot of the day-to-day stresses with clear and precise data, automated solutions and customer loyalty platforms.
  • Ward Beverage Trolley – our ward beverage trolley is packed with innovation and has been designed and developed based on feedback and trials with a large number of Trusts across the UK. It is easy to manoeuvre around busy wards, has ample storage and is specifically branded for your Trust.

Which area are you looking for help with right now?

We cannot wait to hear from you and hear about your plans for the future, and how we can help.

If you have heard enough and want to get started, call 0800 169 3686 and speak to a member of the team. Alternatively, complete the form below.

NHS Supply Chain
RSL is proud to be a supplier to the NHS Supply Chain, and support our beloved NHS with the goods and services that they need to continue delivering such a high standard of service. We work closely with teams across the UK on all aspects of food and beverages, all brought together with our industry-leading connected solutions.

What is the NHS Supply Chain?
The NHS Supply Chain manages the sourcing, delivery and supply of healthcare products, services and food for NHS trusts and healthcare organisations across England and Wales.

Managing more than 4.5 million orders per year, across 94,000 order points and 15,000 locations, the NHS Supply Chain systems consolidate orders from over 800 suppliers, saving trusts time and money and removing duplication of overlapping contracts.

Get in Touch

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Prefer to talk?

Service Department 01274 750 008

General Enquiries 0800 169 3686

Order Ingredients 01226 720 482

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